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Provenance Research

Since 1998, the Staatliches Museum Schwerin has conducted in-depth research on the provenances – i.e. the origins and history – of artworks which were acquired, transferred or inventoried there after 1933 and whose origins are either partly or entirely unknown. Taking the Washington Conference Principles (1998) and the "Guidelines for implementing the Statement by the German Federal Government, the federal states (Länder) and the national associations of local authorities on the tracing and return of Nazi-confiscated art, especially Jewish property" as its basis here, the museum has been investigating its stock of artworks.

The aim is to determine whether there are art pieces in the collection which were unlawfully removed from prior Jewish ownership during the Nazi era, or whether these concern regular acquisitions, donations and bequests. The intention is to achieve complete and full documentation of the provenances to the greatest extent possible.

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